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Dale Callahan

ePDH Course Providers

Click on the provider's name to view his or her biography and courses.

Ala Abdelbaki, Ph.D. - Math Professor
Kenneth Abend, Ph.D. - Electrical Engineer
Jorge Acevedo, PE - Environmental Engineer
Jay Adams, BSEE - Electrical Engineer
Andrew P. Adams, PE - Civil Engineer
Jose-Miguel Albaine, M.S., PE - Structural Engineer
James Andel, PE - Civil Engineer
John C. Anders, PE - Geotechnical Engineering
Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association, (PPFA) - Trade Organization
Albert A. Avanesyan, PE, PLS - Civil Engineer
Glenn Baker, PE - Electrical Engineer
Daryl S. Banks, PSM - Geospatial Engineer
William J. Beasland, PE - Fire Protection Engineer
Dwight E. Beasley, PE - Electrical Engineer
Gary D. Beckfeld, PE - Mechanical Engineer
Jerry R. Bednarczyk, PE - Electrical Engineer
Joseph V. Bellini, PE, PH, DWRE - Civil Engineer
Harlan H. Bengtson, Ph.D., PE - Environmental Engineer
Liz Berdugo, PE - Civil Engineer
A. Bhatia, B.E. - Mechanical Engineer
Tim Blackburn, PE - Pharmaceutical Engineer
Drayton D. Boozer, Ph.D., PE - Electrical Engineer
Bruce A. Brant, Colonel (Ret) - Inspector General
William A. Brant,III Ph.D. - Executive Director
William A. Brant, JD, PE - Attorney/Engineer
Donald Brocksmith, PE - Chemical Engineer
Adrian E. Brown, PE - Environmental Engineer
Jeffrey W. Buckholz, Ph.D, PE, PTOE - Traffic Engineer
David L. Butler, PE - Electrical Engineer
Lea Callahan, PE - Engineering Consultant
Dale Callahan, Ph.D., PE - Engineering Professor
Richard Campbell, PE, SE - Structural Engineer
Brad Campbell, PE - Process Engineer
Gary W. Castleberry, PE - Electrical Engineer
Chong Chen, Ph.D., PE - Engineering Professor
Peter Chen, PE - Forensic Engineer
H. Chen, Ph.D., PE - Structural Engineer
Helen Chen, Ph.D., PE - Structural Engineer
Dave M. Coker, PE - Civil Engineer
John P. Cole, PE - Control Systems Engineer
Paul Conley, PE - Mechanical Engineer
David A Conner, Ph.D., PE - Engineering Professor
Joshua Cook, PE - Petroleum Engineer
Terry S. Cory, PE - Electrical Engineer
Robert B. Coulter, PE - Chemical Engineer
U. S. Green Building Council , - Trade Organization
Jonathon C. Creviston, PE - Structural Engineer
Nancy E. Cronin , PE - IP Consultant
Harvey A. Crouch, PE - Civil/Railway Engineer
Joel Dellaria, SE, PE - Structural Engineer
Carlo B. DeLuca, PE - Mechanical Engineer
Sonal Desai, Ph.D. - Engineering Professor
Michael J. Dickey, PE - Geological Engineer
Charles E. Dowd,Jr. PE - Electrical Engineer
Lawrence R. Eichner, PE - Fire Protection Engineer
Mohamed Elsanabary, Ph.D. - Civil Engineer
John J. Engblom, Ph.D., PE - Mechanical Eng. Professor
Ralph Edward Fehr, III, Ph.D., PE - Electrical Engineer
Joseph E. Fleckenstein, PE - Electrical Engineer
James R Freeland, PLS, PE - Land Surveyor & Civil Engineer
Ed Garbin, Ph.D., PE, DGE - Geotechnical Engineer
Patrick C. Garner, PLS - Hydrologist and Surveyor
Semih H. Genculu, PE - Metallurgical Engineer
Bijan Ghayour, PE - Electrical Engineer
William Goans, PE - Electrical Engineer
Maryam Golabchi, Ph.D. - Process Engineer
Ruben A. Gomez, PE - Civil Engineer
Danny R Graves, PE - Electrical Engineer
Paul Graves, PE - Civil Engineer
Bart J. Greene, PE - Electrical Engineer
Dixie M. Griffin,Jr. Ph.D, PE - Civil Engineering Professor
John M. Gross, PE - Electrical Engineer
Sean Guan, Ph.D. - Electrical Engineer
J. Paul Guyer, PE, RA, F.ASCE - Civil Engineer
Richard A. Haas, PE - Entrepreneur Engineer
Michael J. Hamill, PE - Controls Engineer
H. Wayne Harper, PE - Environmental Engineer
Christopher M.A. Haslego, B.S. ChE - Chemical Engineer
Jeffrey Havelin, PE - Civil Engineer
Anthony K. Ho, PE - System Engineer
Cory L. Horton, PE - Civil and Environ. Engineer
Gregory Hounsell , PE - Chemical Engineer
Shih-Min Hsu, Ph.D., PE - Electrical Engineer
John C. Huang, Ph.D., PE - Engineering Consultant
John Huang, PE - Engineering Consultant
D. Allen Hughes, PE - Geotechnical Engineer
Mark E. Hughes, PE - Civil Engineer
LEA International, - Electrical Equipment Supplier
Robert P. Jackson, PE - Mechanical Engineer
Kent R. Johnejack, PE - Civil Engineer
Clifford T. Johnson, PE, CSE - Control Systems Engineer
Warren T. Jones,Jr. Ph.D. - Biology Professor
Warren T. Jones, Ph.D, PE - Professor Emeritus - CIS
Tracy P. Jong, Esq. - Patent Attorney
Cheng-Ning Jong, PE - Mechanical Engineer
Samuel K. Kassegne, Ph.D., PE - Structural Engineer
Dennis Keierleber, PE - Structural Engineer
Debra A. Kennaugh, PE - Traffic Engineer
Samir G. Khoury, Ph.D, P.G. - Professional Geologist
Dimitrios Konstantakos, PE - Geotechnical Engineer
Matthew R. Kromke, PE - Structural Engineer
Velimir Lackovic, Chartered Eng. - Electrical Engineer
Tanya Jamie Laird, - Structural Engineer
Lance D. LaRue, PE - Mechanical Engineer
Timothy Laughlin, PE - Petroleum Engineer
James Layton, PE - Electrical Engineer
Conrad G. Leszkiewicz, PhD, PE, PG - Civil Engineer and Geologist
Frank Li, Ph.D. - Metallurgical Engineer
Marvin Liebler, PE - Structural Engineer
Steven G. Liescheidt, PE, CCS, CCPR - Mechanical Engineer
Joseph J. Lifrieri, PE, PP, PG - Professional Geologist
David J. Lilja, Ph.D, PE - EE and Computer Eng. Professor
Lars M. Lippard, PE - Mechanical Engineer
X Liu, PE - Structural Engineer
John A. MacGiffert, PMP LEED-AP CIE - Management Consultant
Lawrence J. Marchetti, PE - Mechanical Engineer
Susan Marshall, PE, MBA - Chemical Engineer
William Maskevich, PE - Electrical Engineer
Thomas Mason, MBA, PE - Electrical Engineer
Brian M. McCaffrey, PE - Engineering Consultant
Clint M. McCann, PE - Electrical Engineer
Robert E. Merton,Sr. PE - Civil and Electrical Engineer
Mark Meshulam, BPI - Exterior Building Consultant
Henry Davis Mitchell,III PE - Mechanical Engineer
Martina L. Moore, PE - Civil Engineer
Jerry D. Morrow, PE - Civil Engineer
Kevin A. Mussmacher, PE - Electrical Engineer
Mike Nelson, PE - Structural Engineer
Steel Network, - Steel Framing Manufacturer
James J. Newton, PE, DEE - Environmental Engineer
Walter R. Niessen, PE, BCEE - Chemical Engineer
Keller North America, Inc. - Geotechnical Contractor
David J. Nowacki, MBA - Management Consultant
Joseph Ofungwu, Ph.D., PE - Enviromental Engineer
Scott T. Ogren, PE - Civil Engineer
Timothy O'Hearn, PE - Electrical Engineer
Patrick S. Ouillette, PE - Electrical Engineer
Owete S. Owete, Ph.D., PE - Environmental Engineer
Miriam G. Paschetto, PE - Structural Engineer
Charles A. Patterson, PE - Nuclear Engineer
Dominic P. Perrotta, PE - Management Consultant
DL Peterson, - Civil Engineer
John C. Peterson, PE, PMP, CEM - Mechanical Engineer
John F. Pietranski, Ph.D., PE - Chemical Engineer
John Poullain, PE - Civil Engineer
Jurandir L. Primo, BSME - Mechanical Engineer
Nilson L. Primo, PE - Electrical Engineer
Dorairaja Raghu, Ph.D., PE - Civil Eng Professor Emeritus
Clement Rajendra, PE - Structural Engineer
Steve Ramroop, Ph.D., GISP - Professor of Surveying
Anthony Rante, PE - Mechanical Engineer
John M. Rattenbury, PE, CIPE - Mechanical Engineer
Vincent D. Reynolds, MBA, PE - Civil Engineer
Charles D. Riley, Jr., PE - Civil Engineer
Mark P. Rossow, Ph.D., PE - Civil Engineering
Frank Russo, Ph.D., PE - Structural Engineer
George Rutkowski, PE - Electrical Engineer
Robert Sanders, - Transportation Engineer
Jack Schmitt, PE, AVS - Civil Engineer
Bill Scott, PE - Management Consultant
Lionel A. Sequeira, PE - Mechanical Engineer
Ketan Shah, PE, CCNA - Electrical Engineer
F. I. Sheikh-Ibrahim, Ph.D., PE - Structural Engineer
Dennis G. Shin, PE - Environmental Engineer
Mark V. Slominski, PE - Mechanical Engineer
Peter Smith, HNC - Piping Engineer
Brian Steve Smith, PE, MBA - Petrochemical Engineer
Frederic G. Snider, R.P.G. - Professional Geologist
David A. Snyder, PE - Electrical Engineer
Patricia Snyder, - Human Resources
Jeffrey R. Sotek, PE, CSP, CIH - Environmental Engineer
Paul F. Spite, RA - Architect
V.S. Sriram, BTME - Mechanical Engineer
Carol Stein, PE - Environmental Engineer
Edward H. Steve, PE - Chemical Engineer
Robert P. Stevens, PE, DEE - Environmental Engineer
Joseph L. Stillman, P.E. - Electrical Engineer
Mark A. Strain, PE - Electrical Engineer
Thomas D. Strong, PLS - Land Surveyor
Matthew Stuart, PE, SE, F.ASCE - Structural Engineer
Jeffrey M Syken, - Architectural Engineer
Elie Tawil, PE, LEED AP - Mechanical Engineer
Gregory J. Taylor, PE - Civil Engineer
Earth Tech, LLC - Geotechnical Contractor
Jonathan Terry, PLS - Land Surveyor
R. Jerry Thacker, PE, PLS - Land Surveyor
Jane Showalter Thomas, PE, CPEA - Environ./Civil Engineer
George E. Thomas, PE - Structural Engineer
Chad A. Thompson, PE - Mechanical Engineer
Roy H. Timpe, PE - Electrical Engineer
Roman Titov, PE CCM LEED AP - Civil Engineer
John Tuman, PE, CISSP, MBA - Electrical Engineer
Jan Van Sickle, PLS - Land Surveyor
Daniel A. Vellone, M.S., P.G. - Professional Geologist
John S. Vonasek, PE - Civil Engineer
Kevin D. Waddell, PE - Civil Engineer
Richard W. Warden, PE (Retired) - Civil Engineer
Jack H. Warner,Jr. PE - Software Engineer
Eugene Washington, PE - Engineering Consultant
Richard P. Weber, PE - Geotechnical Engineer
Phyllis H. Wheeler, PE - Validation Engineer
Randall W. Whitesides, PE - Consulting Engineer
Robert B. Wilcox, PE - Mechanical Engineer
Davis M. Woodruff, PE, CMC - Management Consultant
Christopher Wright, PE - Mechanical Engineer
Dale Wuokko, PE - Civil Engineer
Peggy Yee, Ph.D. - Civil Engineer
K. Zheng, - Data Analyst
Yun Zhou, PhD, PE - Geotechnical Engineer

Call for Online Course Providers (Instructors)

Knowledge exists to be imparted.
    ~ Ralph W. Emerson

If you are interested in becoming a ePDH course provider, please email us your resume, a brief biography (one to two paragraphs), contact information (mailing address and phone number), and a list of potential course topics for consideration.

Download: Online Course Writing Guidelines

* * *

epdh.org is an approved continuing education sponsor (course vendor) for engineers, land surveyors, geologists and architects. We offer a generous revenue sharing plan (up to 30% of the course revenue) to encourage licensed professionals and engineering educators to become ePDH course providers (instructors). As a ePDH course provider, you will be treated as an independent consultant, which effectively enables you to establish your own lifelong consulting business.

By working with epdh.org you can also pass-on some of the knowledge you have gained over the years for the benefit of all engineers, surveyors and architects. At the same time, you are helping your fellow engineers, surveyors and architects fulfill their continuing education needs in the most cost-effective, yet flexible, manner. In addition, as a ePDH course provider, you can take ePDH courses at a special discounted rate.

As long as your topics are of educational value to practicing engineers, surveyors and architects, you are invited to become a ePDH course provider. You may either compose original lecture notes or utilize the technical resources already available on the Internet.

The goal of epdh.org is to establish online courses on a variety of technical, management and regulatory topics in every engineering, surveying, geological and architectural field. epdh.org relies solely on the voluntary contribution of course providers to maintain the versatility and high quality of the online courses.

ePDH courses are unlike traditional technical articles that appear in only one issue of a magazine or journal with a limited circulation. Your courses, when updated to reflect recent advances in technology, will remain online for use by the technical community. Furthermore, your online courses can reach technical professionals all over the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, through the information superhighway. In fact, your online courses could become living technical literature if you update them periodically. Because of Internet technology, there is no other publishing form that can be more easily updated than your online courses.

We only accept electronic versions of the course materials. For details on how to prepare ePDH course materials, click on Online Course Writing Guidelines.

When your course materials are accepted for publication on epdh.org, you will be sent a letter of acceptance and a contract between you and epdh.org. Your courses will be published on the ePDH websites, earning you revenue and recognition each time they are purchased. We handle all of the course publishing, advertising, marketing, promotion, and administration at no charge to you.

If you are interested in becoming a ePDH course provider, please email us your resume, a brief biography (one to two paragraphs), contact information (mailing address and phone number), and a list of potential course topics for consideration. For more information, please contact:

5272 Meadow Estates Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030-6658
Email: PDHonline@Gmail.com
Tel.: 703-988-0088