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Dixie M. Griffin,Jr. Ph.D, PE
Civil Engineering Professor

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ePDH Course Provider Biography

Dr. Griffin is a graduate of Va. Tech and is a licensed Professional Engineer in several states as well as the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada. Dr. Griffin began his career in 1979 with the Bureau of Sanitary Engineering within the Va. Department of Health where he served as an assistant engineer and then as a Regional Engineer. After completing his Ph.D. in 1979 he taught for a year at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada, then for five years at North Dakota State University. Since 1984 Dr. Griffin has been at Louisiana Tech University serving as a full professor since 1992. During this time Dr. Griffin has conducted numerous funded research projects dealing with water treatment, wastewater collection and treatment, solid waste, and numerical modeling of river systems (working at waterways Experiment Station for the U.S Army Corps of Engineers). He initiated and ran an environmental chemistry laboratory within the University that received accreditation by the Department of Environmental Quality of the State of Louisiana. His former students are employed by a substantial number of private and governmental firms in Louisiana as well as the states of Texas, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, and California.

Dr. Griffin has made numerous presentations at national and international conferences and written numerous articles for various engineering and technical publications. He currently teaches several short courses each year for water and wastewater treatment plant operators. He was awarded the Faculty Senate Chair Award for teaching, research, and service by the Faculty Senate of Louisiana Tech University in 1994, a certificate of recognition for his research presented by the Louisiana Tech chapter of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, and the teaching award for the college of Engineering was presented during “Greek Week” in 1995.

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