www.epdh.org - Your Gateway to Lifelong Learning   |   Email: PDHonline@Gmail.com   
Receive a Discount Coupon or a Free Course by Referring Your Friends or Colleagues to epdh.org
In order to receive the special referral discount or 1 FREE PDH, you must provide at least two valid names and email addresses of other professional engineers and/or land surveyors who need PDH units to renew their licenses. Please choose one of the following rewards:
15% Off Discount Coupon (This coupon may be applied to multiple courses.)
Coupon code for 1 FREE PDH credit hour (This offer is limited to PDH course R106 "Standards of Professional Conduct" and is for new users only.)
The following message will be sent to your friends/colleagues on your behalf:

Dear {your friend's name}:

I just visited http://www.epdh.org, a continuing education website that provides a convenient and efficient way to earn PDH units for professional license renewal. You may want to visit their website for more information.

Best regards,

Your name

You may refer up to 5 friends using the table below. We appreciate your support.
    Your Name:
Your E-Mail Address:
    Names of Friends/Colleagues Their E-Mail Addresses