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Joseph V. Bellini, PE, PH, DWRE
Civil Engineer

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ePDH Course Provider Biography

Mr. Bellini is a civil and water resources engineer with nearly three decades of experience specializing in severe flooding; dam engineering; hydrologic, hydraulic, sediment transport, and dam break modeling; spillway design; levee design and evaluation; probabilistic flood hazard studies; and flood control planning and design. His expertise has been applied to dam inspection, design, inflow design flood studies, and breach studies for the NRCS, FERC regulated hydro-power, utility dams, private dams, and mine tailing dams. He also was the lead responsible engineer for several FEMA/NFIP flood studies, appeals, and levee certification projects. Mr. Bellini has also played an industry lead and Subject Matter Expert role in supporting the nuclear industry in its regulatory response to the Fukushima Dai-ichi accident, overseeing dozens of flood hazard reevaluation models and calculations and contributing to the development of several guidance documents. His experience includes the application of 1-dimensional/steady-flow (e.g. HEC-RAS and WSPRO) and unsteady-flow hydraulic modeling (e.g. HEC-RAS, DWOPER, and FLDWAV), 2-dimensional distributed hydrologic/hydraulic modeling (FESWMS/SMS, FLO-2D, and RiverFlow2D), dam design and breach modeling (SITES, WinDAM, DAMBRK, and HEC-RAS), interior/urban drainage modeling (SWMM and StormCAD), semi-distributed/lumped hydrologic modeling (HEC-HMS and TR-20), and sediment transport modeling (HEC-RAS and HEC-6). Mr. Bellini is also an Adjunct Professor at Villanova University (River Mechanics and Engineering).

Mr. Bellini is an Adjunct Professor, "River and Waterway Engineering", Villanova University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He is also an Adjunct Professor, "Surface Water Hydrology", University of Pennsylvania, Department of Earth and Environmental Science.

In addition, Mr. Bellini is a Licensed Professional Engineer (PE); Professional Hydrologist (PH - American Institute of Hydrology); Diplomat, Water Resources Engineers (DWRE - American Academy of Water Resources Engineers); and a Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM - Association of State Floodplain Managers).

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Course No. Courses Provided by Joseph V. Bellini, PE, PH, DWRE, CFM PDH Units Current Price Buy Quiz
H142 Hydrologic Probability and Statistics 4 $119 Buy Quiz
H145 Stable Channel Analysis and Design 4 $119 Buy Quiz
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