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Dimitrios Konstantakos, PE
Geotechnical Engineer

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ePDH Course Provider Biography

Mr. Konstantakos is the CEO and founder of Deep Excavation LLC, and also serves as the chair of the Technical Coordination Council of ASCE/G-I, the committee that oversees all technical committees for the Geo-Institute. Mr. Konstantakos is the previous chair of the Earth Retaining Structures Committee of ASCE/G-I. He is managing the company operations and holds a Master’s of Science degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Science from University of Massachusetts in Lowell. Mr. Konstantakos has considerable international involvement and experience. His areas of specialization are deep
excavations, soil-structure interaction, slope stability, helical piles, and software development with relative publications.

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Course No. Courses Provided by William Allsop, Ph.D.; Marisa Ackhurst, P.E.T.; Dimitrios Konstantakos, Ph.D., PE PDH Units Current Price Buy Quiz
N509 Deep Excavation (2-Day Workshop - Live Seminar) 16 Seminar    
N512 Deep Foundation and Helical Pile Design (2-Day Workshop) 8 Seminar    
N513 Slope Stability, Soil Nail Wall, and Inclinometer Monitoring (2-Day Workshop) 8 Seminar    
N514 Advanced Excavations Design Workshop (Live Seminar) 8 Seminar    
N515 Online Workshop: Wave Loads and Marine Walls (Live Webinar) 6.5 Seminar    
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