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Frederic G. Snider, R.P.G.
Professional Geologist

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ePDH Course Provider Biography

Mr. Frederic G. Snider is a Registered Professional Geologist with more than 25 years experience in geology, geophysics, hydrogeology, geotechnical interpretations, site safety assessments, forensic investigations, tectonics, the design and implementation of field exploration programs, support of regulatory, public and legal processes, development of computer applications in the geosciences and project management. His experience includes work on environmental projects (both hazardous and nuclear waste) and site investigations for large engineering projects such as dams and nuclear and fossil-fuel power facilities. Mr. Snider received a Bachelors Degree in Physics from Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts in 1972, and a Masters Degree in Geology/Geophysics from Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, in 1975.

To view or print course materials, click on any of the titles below:
Course Search
Course No. Courses Provided by Frederic G. Snider, R.P.G. PDH Units Current Price Buy Quiz
G361 Understanding Probability and Its Role in Decision Making 3 $89 Buy Quiz
G382 Risk-Based Engineering - The New Paradigm 3 $89 Buy Quiz
G392 Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics 3 $89 Buy Quiz
G604 Statistics – A Review for Non-Mathematicians 3 $89 Buy Quiz
G605 Fundamentals of Risk Assessment 3 $89 Buy Quiz
L116 GPS: Theory, Practice and ApplicationsPE, PLS & RA 3 $69 Buy Quiz
L116F GPS: Theory, Practice and ApplicationsFL PLS Board Approved Course 7124 (General) 3 $69 Buy Quiz
L116G GPS: Theory, Practice and ApplicationsNY PLS 3 $69 Buy Quiz
L116J GPS: Theory, Practice and ApplicationsNJ PLS Board Approved Course 1.5 $44.5 Buy Quiz
L116M GPS: Theory, Practice and ApplicationsVT LS Board Approved Course 3 $69 Buy Quiz
L116N GPS: Theory, Practice and ApplicationsPE, PLS & RA 3 $69 Buy Quiz
L116T GPS: Theory, Practice and ApplicationsPE, PLS & RA (Timed & Monitored) 3 $69 Buy Quiz
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