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Paul Conley, PE
Mechanical Engineer

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ePDH Course Provider Biography

Mr. Conley is a graduate of the St. Louis University and University and Missouri Science and Technology and is a licensed Professional Engineer in the state of Missouri. He began his career at McDonnell Douglas now Boeing Aircraft Company working as a mechanical engineer instrumenting and modifying aircraft structures for flight test programs. After 5 year career in Aviation Industry, Mr. Conley worked at Medical Device Manufacturing Company designing minimally invasive surgical instruments and later fluid handling devices. He has been the Chief Engineer for a major Bearing and Lubrication Company SKF – Lincoln Lubrication Division since 1997. In this capacity, Mr. Conley has become expert in several aspects in the field of Tribology. He is a holder of 21 US Patents with 14 additional pending. Mr. Conley has published several papers in scientific journals and authored two chapters in “ Handbook of Lubrication and Tribology.” Published by CRC press.

Mr. Conley is an active member in the Society of Tribologist and Lubrication Engineers ( STLE ) and the National Lubrication Grease Institute ( NLGI).

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M417 Non Newtonian Fluid Dynamics 3 $89 Buy Quiz
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