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Debra A. Kennaugh, PE
Traffic Engineer

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ePDH Course Provider Biography

Ms. Kennaugh is a graduate of the University of South Florida and is a licensed Professional Engineer in the state of Florida. Ms. Kennaugh began her Engineering career in 1995. Since then she has gained more than 25 years of significant experience in the analysis and design of traffic engineering including traffic studies, traffic impact analyses, design of signing & pavement marking plans, signalization plans and lighting plans. She has also acted as an expert witness in traffic engineering court cases. Ms. Kennaugh has authored numerous reports and studies. She has served in technical societies and on committees at the local, regional, and national level.

In addition to her professional experience in the engineering field, Ms. Kennaugh has been a speaker of numerous seminars for the Florida Department of Transportation.

To view or print course materials, click on any of the titles below:
Course Search
Course No. Courses Provided by Debra A. Kennaugh, P.E. PDH Units Current Price Buy Quiz
C851 Signalization Design 3 $89 Buy Quiz
C851T Signalization Design (Timed & Monitored) 3 $89 Buy Quiz
C852 Access Management 3 $89 Buy Quiz
C853 Intersection Safety 3 $89 Buy Quiz
C853T Intersection Safety (Timed & Monitored) 3 $89 Buy Quiz
C854 Median Design 3 $89 Buy Quiz
C855 Pedestrian Safety 4 $119 Buy Quiz
C856 Roadway Lighting Design 2 $59 Buy Quiz
C856T Roadway Lighting Design (Timed & Monitored) 2 $59 Buy Quiz
C857 Traffic Calming Design 2 $59 Buy Quiz
C857T Traffic Calming Design (Timed & Monitored) 2 $59 Buy Quiz
C858 Maintenance of Traffic Plans 3 $89 Buy Quiz
C858T Maintenance of Traffic Plans (Timed & Monitored) 3 $89 Buy Quiz
C863 Bicycle Planning & Safety 3 $89 Buy Quiz
D107 Roundabout Design 4 $119 Buy Quiz
D109 Community Neighborhood Development 4 $119 Buy Quiz
D110 Fundamentals of Roadway Signage 4 $119 Buy Quiz
D111 Roadway Safety Assessment 1 $29 Buy Quiz
D112 Introduction to Transportation Planning 1 $29 Buy Quiz
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