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William A. Brant, JD, PE

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ePDH Course Provider Biography

Bill Brant is a licensed and practicing trial attorney, mediator, and professional engineer. Bill started his career in the Nuclear Materials and the Safety and Licensing sections of the Nuclear Engineering Branch at TVA before transferring to Brown & Root, Inc. as a Nuclear Licensing Engineer on the South Texas Nuclear Project (STNP), and attending law school at night. As a trial attorney, he represented Halliburton and Brown & Root in the STNP litigation and consulted on the prudency audit of the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station. Bill has litigated mass disaster aviation cases, environmental, commercial, products liability, and medical malpractice cases. He is an instrument rated, private pilot and is an Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association panel attorney defending flight crews in FAA enforcement actions. Bill has defended registered engineers before the Texas State Board of Engineering in disciplinary actions brought by the Board.

Since summer 2002, Bill has lectured in Engineering Ethics at the University of Texas at San Antonio, including lectures to the local ASME, ASRHE, ASCE and ASM International sections. Bill was selected as a member of the Oxford Round Table and presented Professional Ethics: A Must for the Global Society of the 21st Century at Oxford University, Oxford, England.

Bill received a B.S. in Metallurgical Engineering from the University of Texas at El Paso, while playing varsity baseball, received a M.S. in Nuclear Engineering from Georgia Tech, and graduated from South Texas College of Law with a Juris Doctor degree.

To view or print course materials, click on any of the titles below:
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Course No. Courses Provided by William (Bill) Brant, JD, PE & Trey Brant, PhD PDH Units Current Price Buy Quiz
R115 The Right Choice: Applying Ethics to Engineering 2 $59 Buy Quiz
R117 The Right Choice: Applying Ethics and Happiness to Engineering 1 $29 Buy Quiz
R118 The Right Choice: Applying Ethics and Leadership to Engineering 5 $129 Buy Quiz
R118T The Right Choice: Applying Ethics and Leadership to Engineering (Timed & Monitored) 5 $129 Buy Quiz
R122 Ethics, Leadership, and Technology: Social Change in the Global Society of the 21st Century 4 $119 Buy Quiz
R123 Professional Ethics and Globalization 2 $59 Buy Quiz
R124 The Right Choice: Applying Life’s Priorities and Ethics to Engineering 5 $129 Buy Quiz
R153 Ethics, Engineering, and Leadership 5 $129 Buy Quiz
R168 Isn’t Engineering Ethics Just Rules? 3 $89 Buy Quiz
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