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Michael J. Dickey, PE
Geological Engineer

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ePDH Course Provider Biography

Mr. Dickey earned his BS in Geological Engineering and his BS in Geology and Geophysics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is a licensed professional engineer in Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina. Mr. Dickey has worked in the engineering profession for over 15 years. He has worked in private consulting, and has extensive experience in geotechnical engineering and environmental remediation. Mr. Dickey has successfully implemented a wide variety of remediation strategies at contaminated sites across the southeast, including in-situ thermal desorption, multi-phase extraction, oxygen injection, conventional excavation, and in-situ chemical oxidation to name a few. Additionally, he has specialized expertise in the areas of sediment remediation, and hydraulic dredging and dewatering technologies. Mr. Dickey has provided litigation support and served as an expert witness for a variety of geotechnical and environmental matters.

To view or print course materials, click on any of the titles below:
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Course No. Courses Provided by Michael J. Dickey, P.E. PDH Units Current Price Buy Quiz
C754 Remedial Investigation Considerations for Contaminated Sediment Sites 4 $119 Buy Quiz
C755 Environmental Dredging of Contaminated Sediments 4 $119 Buy Quiz
C806 In-Situ Capping of Contaminated Sediments 4 $119 Buy Quiz
C807 Monitored Natural Recovery at Contaminated Sediment Sites 4 $119 Buy Quiz
C821 Remediation of 1,4-Dioxane in the Environment 4 $119 Buy Quiz
C842 Silt Curtains (Turbidity Barriers) as a Dredging Project Management Practice 2 $59 Buy Quiz
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