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Ed Garbin, Ph.D., PE, DGE
Geotechnical Engineer

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ePDH Course Provider Biography

Dr. Garbin is a veteran geostructural engineer with nearly 20 years of engineering experience and 30 years of construction experience. A former General Contractor, Adjunct Professor at USF, Chief Engineer at Hayward Baker, and Vice President of Engineering at Earth Tech, he specializes in the design and construction oversight of ground improvement and specialty geostructural systems on complex sites. Dr. Garbin is the founder, President, and Principal Engineer of Garbin GeoStructural Group and is a licensed Professional Engineer in nearly 30 states. He is also a Diplomate, Geotechnical Engineering from ASCE's Academy of Geo-Professionals. Dr. Garbin is available for design assistance, continuing education training, and litigation support.

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