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Your Guide to Ethical Conflict Management for Engineers

Trey Brant, PhD. & William “Bill” Brant, PE

You will see this is an eye-opening course! We know you will appreciate the knowledge you gain from it. This course has the potential to become the most important course of your life or your coworkers’ lives. It is proactive.

In life there are certain types of destructive and self-destructive behaviors in our society. They have been increasing both in America and for the American workforce. These behaviors also occur at workplaces around the United States. Therefore, it is crucial to understand those maladaptive and immoral behaviors you will likely encounter during your career as an engineer. This knowledge is crucial for you to take preventative steps and to manage the conflicts wisely when they happen.

We will guide you through the state of our society with regard to the latest statistics of fatal injuries, violence and homicides at U.S. workplaces as well as suicides, obesity and overdoses. We provide you with two guides at the end of our course to give you preventative measures for ethical conflict management (Guide 1) and to guide you through ethical conflict management at work (Guide 2). We encourage you to print out the two guides for access at your workplace. Keep them handy.

Everyone is impacted by engineering. We engineers need to meet certain standards of behavior and professionalism. This requires that we communicate effectively, professionally, and ethically. What happens when engineers face ethical problems at work with conflicting approaches to managing the situations?

Unfortunately, some ethical conflicts occur between employees and employers. For this reason, we have included a brief analysis of court cases showing trends in labor law for you to better familiarize yourself with your rights. Although these cases are not meant to give legal advice, you will better understand your U.S. worker’s rights after finishing this course.

Other ethical conflicts occur between co-workers. We will guide you in managing ethical conflicts at work by first giving you important concepts for understanding co-workers interactive approaches to managing conflicts. You will learn the goals of ethical conflict management and the pitfalls and obstacles to overcome during the process of managing work-related conflicts.

You learn practical advice for analyzing your work environment, communications of co-workers and your own liabilities and risks at the workplace.

We welcome you to your course!

This course includes a multiple-choice quiz at the end, which is designed to enhance the understanding of the course materials.

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NY PE & PLS: You must choose courses that are technical in nature or related to matters of laws and ethics contributing to the health and welfare of the public. NY Board does not accept courses related to office management, risk management, leadership, marketing, accounting, financial planning, real estate, and basic CAD. Specific course topics that are on the borderline and are not acceptable by the NY Board have been noted under the course description on our website.