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Introduction to Designing Clean-in-Place Systems for Tanks and Vessels

David M. Coker, PE

Many processes used to produce food, beverages, drugs, consumer cosmetics, and personal care products utilize tanks and vessels. These vessels are often combined into multiple unit operations much like any chemical or other bulk fluid process. These vessels or tanks use various other components on the inside to store, hold, blend, mix, shear, stir, homogenize, heat, cool, ferment, extract, and otherwise physically manipulate the fluids. There are multiple and various reasons for cleaning these vessels. The most important factors to cleaning a vessel are associated with the product’s fluid characteristics, properties, or constituents. Designing a cleaning process for any vessel must also consider one of two general goals. They must either be cleaned on a regular basis to protect the safety of an end-user or to maintain the product’s quality. In some cases these two factors coincide but more frequently they do not and, at times, even contradict each other. These two different design goals are explored in this course in the context of the process, vessel, and product characteristics.

This course includes a multiple-choice quiz at the end, which is designed to enhance the understanding of the course materials.

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NY PE & PLS: You must choose courses that are technical in nature or related to matters of laws and ethics contributing to the health and welfare of the public. NY Board does not accept courses related to office management, risk management, leadership, marketing, accounting, financial planning, real estate, and basic CAD. Specific course topics that are on the borderline and are not acceptable by the NY Board have been noted under the course description on our website.