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Artificial Intelligence – The New Technology Revolution

Jurandir Primo, PE

This course brings the fundamentals for Artificial Intelligence – The New Technology Revolution. Since there are vast information, almost impossible to understand, the author is showing an easy itemized content, to facilitate comprehension. The AI encompasses a wide range of new technologies of images, sound, videos and writings. This presented essay has been written with help of actual AI researches and some AI tools including images and texts. The terms used in this study are common for all worldwide developers. All images and some quiz questions were generated using the Internet and the most updated AI tools. Artificial Intelligence (AI) spans several decades, characterized by milestones, breakthroughs, and shifts in AI research and development. Today, the rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is not only raising concerns among societies and lawmakers, but also some tech leaders at the heart of its development. Advances in computing power, data availability, and algorithmic innovations have contributed to AI's growth, making it an increasingly significant part of our modern world. Previous technologies democratized access to content and resources, but it´s correct to say; this AI new technology is democratizing a kind of machine intelligence that can be used to perform a myriad of tasks, which in the past could take a lot of mistakes and successes. It is wise to be skeptical of new technologies that claim to revolutionize learning. In the past, prognosticators have promised that television, computer, and Internet would transform education, but the heralded revolutions fell short of expectations. However, there are some early signs that this technological wave might be different in the benefits to professionals, students, teachers, and the whole society.

This course includes a multiple-choice quiz at the end, which is designed to enhance the understanding of the course materials.

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