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Landfill Gas Energy

Jim Newton, P.E., DEE

A growing number of local governments are turning to renewable energy as a strategy to reduce GHG’s, improve air quality and energy security, boost local economy and pave the way to a sustainable energy future. Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, biomass, hydropower and landfill gas, reduce GHG emissions by replacing fossils fuels. Renewables also reduce emissions of conventional air pollutants that result from fossil fuel combustion. In addition, renewable energy can create jobs and open new markets for the local economy and can be used as a hedge against price fluctuations of fossil fuels. Local governments using renewable energy can demonstrate leadership, helping to spur additional renewable energy investments in their region.

Local governments can promote renewable energy in their jurisdictions to meet their own energy needs in municipal operations and by encouraging its use by local residents and businesses.

In this course, you are required to study the US EPA publication, “Landfill Gas Energy” provided as a pdf document as a part of this course. This document describes the steps to promote landfill gas energy.

This course includes a multiple-choice quiz at the end, which is designed to enhance the understanding of the course materials.

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