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PDH Online Course Description PDH Units/
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RFID Technology

Robert P. Jackson, PE

This course is structured to introduce the concepts of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID ) to individuals wishing to gain a detailed understanding of the operation, components, potential for cost savings and the potential for improvement in efficiency. RFID technology has been called the most exciting “NEW” technology in the twenty-first century. The uses today are remarkably varied. We present six (6) case studies that provide examples of how diverse the applications can be and how those uses can greatly automate processes that once were manual in nature. The benefits and drawbacks are discussed in depth as well as areas of interest when considering implementation. We devote considerable time towards planning, implementation and manageability of the system and discuss in depth the following: Ten(10) questions to ask when considering implementation of RFID technology Standards, both domestic and international Manageability of systems RFID adoption guidelines Complete list of vendors Extended glossary of terms Each component required for operation is discussed in detail as well as the software necessary to “drive the system.” The subject of privacy is an ongoing concern so this is presented as a “block” for discussion.

This course includes a multiple-choice quiz which presents the student with an opportunity to use the principles taught in the course.

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NY PE & PLS: You must choose courses that are technical in nature or related to matters of laws and ethics contributing to the health and welfare of the public. NY Board does not accept courses related to office management, risk management, leadership, marketing, accounting, financial planning, real estate, and basic CAD. Specific course topics that are on the borderline and are not acceptable by the NY Board have been noted under the course description on our website.