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An Introduction to Trickling Filter Wastewater Treatment Plants

J. Paul Guyer, P.E., R.A., Fellow ASCE, Fellow AEI

This course provides an introduction to trickling filter wastewater treatment plants. Trickling filter plants have been justified by their low initial cost, low operating and maintenance costs, and relative simplicity of operation. Although the effluent from trickling filter plants of earlier design was of poorer quality than that from activated sludge plants, the performance of trickling filters designed more recently is comparable to that of activated sludge plants. Both processes offer certain advantages, with trickling filters providing good performance with minimal operator care and few, if any, energy requirements.

This course includes a multiple-choice quiz at the end, which is designed to enhance the understanding of the course materials.

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NY PE & PLS: You must choose courses that are technical in nature or related to matters of laws and ethics contributing to the health and welfare of the public. NY Board does not accept courses related to office management, risk management, leadership, marketing, accounting, financial planning, real estate, and basic CAD. Specific course topics that are on the borderline and are not acceptable by the NY Board have been noted under the course description on our website.