Where do you keep my PDH record?
To help our valued users to manage their
PDH records more efficiently, PDHonline.com/PDHonline.org keeps user's PDH
records in "My Account".
Each registered user has a secured account and can access the following
records online at anytime and from anywhere. How can I get another certificate of completion? You may print out your certificates of completion for the courses you have taken from "My Account" on the top menu bar. How can I get a complete record of the courses I have taken from your website? You can obtain a complete record of the courses you have taken in "My Account" on the top menu bar.
Do I need to submit a copy of the certificate of completion to my
state board? No, unless you are audited. However,
you need to keep a copy of the certificate of completion for your own
record. You can also get a complete record of the courses you have taken
from "My Account"
on the top menu bar. Do
you report PDH credits to the state boards? ![]() |